Book of numbers chapter 21 commentary on matthew

Numbers 21 the armies of israel now begin to emerge out of the wilderness, and to come into a land inhabited, to enter upon action, and take possession of the frontiers of the land of promise. It reminds believers of the spiritual warfare in which they are engaged, for numbers is the book of the service and walk of gods people. Matthew henry bible commentary complete matthew henrys bible commentary concise. The book of the wars of the lord this seems to have been some poem or narration of the wars and victories of the lord.

Saying unto them, go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her. The children of israel have at length finished their wanderings in the wilderness, out of which they went up numbers 21. Ifthe book referstothebookofthe gospel of matthew, the idea could be that this is a gospel. This incident takes place near the end of moses life and the conclusion of israels wandering in the wilderness. Numbers commentary matthew henry commentary on the. Numbers overview matthew henrys complete commentary on the. Study the bible on the go with andrews free online bible commentary. This is the exact same place where the israelites have been hanging out since god freed them from slavery back in exodus. A verse by verse commentary on the bible book of matthew. Study the bible online using commentary on numbers 21 and more. Daily devotions with john piper lets you experience the very best of pipers teachings. Numbers 21 commentary spurgeons verse expositions of the bible. Numbers chapter 21 verse by verse bible commentary.

In this chapter we move very close to the entry into canaan, but a number of experiences prior to that entry which would aid israel in the struggles to come remained to be recorded, and the record of them would fill the pentateuch, all the way to the end of deuteronomy. Numbers chapter 1 verse by verse bible commentary matthew. Commentary on 16 new testament books, from matthew to 2 timothy. At this chapter begins the famous story of balak and balaam. The commentaries of the reverend matthew henry have been a great blessing to the readers of the blue letter bible since 1996. Ifthebookreferstothebookofthe gospel of matthew, the idea could be that. In this post, i will briefly describe five of the most generally helpful commentaries available on the gospel of matthew, and by helpful i mean works that explain to the reader the meaning of the text not only within the individual biblical book, but within scripture as a whole. Numbers 21 bible commentary wesleys explanatory notes. This was to lead the israelites to look more thoroughly to the lord. Subsequent posts will offer recommendations for commentaries on the remaining books of scripture. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible, who published his works in 1706, sixvolume exposition of the old and new testaments 17081710 or complete commentary, provides an exhaustive verse by verse study of the bible, covering the whole of the old testament, and the gospels and acts in the new testament. Genesis 3 commentary genesis 12 commentary genesis 15 commentary.

Numbers 1 commentary old testament matthew henry st. This commentary has been through advanced checking. A glorious campaign this chapter gives us the history of, especially in the latter part of it. Using a kind of genealogical shorthand, he seems to do this intentionally in order to make a symmetrical 3fold division in verse 17.

Numbers 21 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is from the most widely read and often quoted preacher in. The idea that the lord spoke to moses is repeated more than 150 times and more than 20 different ways in numbers. The mutiny and rebellion of israel against god, upon the report of the evil spies, numbers 14. He was a 17th and early 18th century minister of the gospel in chester, england, and died in 1714. Verses 4, 5 now this is come to pass that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophet, saying, tell ye the daughter of zion, behold, thy king cometh unto thee meek, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

Matthew 21 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. Write it said god for a memorial in a book, to which were added all the other. Numbers 21 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. Numbers chapter 21 matthew henry complete commentary. Numbers 21 commentary peter petts commentary on the bible. But the mere mention of a book by the bible doesnt mean that the book belongs in our bibles.

But thanks to a jealous and murderous king herod, jesus and company have to flee from judea to egypt until god gives them the green light to return home. When we are in the wilderness, we are tempted to launch a hundred different schemes and plans to escape. Read numbers commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Numbers 22 commentary matthew henrys complete commentary. Matthews gospel free bible commentary in easy english. After 40years of wandering in the wilderness, the people of israel were beginning to make contact with tribes south and east of the jordan river, starting with the edomites in chapter 20.

Matthew, tyndale new testament commentary, page 11. The armies of israel now begin to emerge out of the wilderness, and to come into a land inhabited, to enter upon action, and take possession of the frontiers of the land of. Numbers commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. An easyenglish bible version and commentary 2800 word vocabulary on the book of numbers. Matthew henry 18 october 1662 22 june 1714 was an english commentator on the bible. Study numbers 21 using wesleys explanatory notes to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. It might, too, be called the book of murmurings because from beginning to end it is filled with the spirit of rebellion against god. The events in this part happened when the israelites were preparing to enter the promised land. Matthew 21 commentary james burton coffman commentaries. Arad, a king of the canaanites, attacks israel, and makes same prisoners. Og, king of bashan, instead of being warned by the fate of his neighbours, to make peace with israel, makes war with them, which proves in like manner his destruction. The gospel of matthew occupies first place in all extant witnesses to the text of the four gospels and in all early lists of the canonical books of the new testament r. And, although not stated in the biblical text, talmudic tradition names the same author for boththe prophet samuel.

We would love to see and read such ancient literature lost to history. Read numbers 20 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. Numbers 21 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. Verse by verse commentary on gospel of matthew duncan heaster published. Then none would shut their eyes to christ, or turn from his gospel. Numbers 20 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. The enemies of gods church often perish by the counsels they think most wisely taken. Verse by verse commentaries by book precept austin. A word list at the end explains words with a star by them. This document has been generated from xsl extensible stylesheet language source with renderx xep formatter, version 3. Numbers chapter 28 kjv king james version as you said that there is nowhere in the bible that says sunday is the day of worship,and it is so also, but does that mean that the sabbath day of rest that god has establish that poeple have the adosity to say that the sabbath rest is sunday. Theyve been in this same spot for about a year and now theyre getting ready to start out on their journey to this land flowing with milk and honey that god keeps talking about.

Matthew 21, new king james version nkjv the bible app. Commentary on the book of numbers by matthew henry old. David guzik commentary on numbers 21, where god sends fiery serpents among the. Numbers chapter 21 kjv king james version 1 and when king arad the canaanite, which dwelt in the south, heard tell that israel came by the way of the spies. Numbers 21 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. Sihon went with his forces against israel, out of his own borders, without provocation, and so ran upon his own ruin. Numbers 21 bible commentary matthew henry complete. Numbers 21 new international version niv arad destroyed. Chapter 21 starts the third part of the book of numbers. The book of the wars of the lord this seems to have been some poem or narration of the wars. Study numbers 21 using matthew henry bible commentary complete to better. Exposition of the old and the new testament 170810. Read numbers 21 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole bible complete. The question is do we see it completely with the heart of compassion or with a heart of.

Matthew skips over ahaziah, joash, and amaziah, going directly from jehoram to uzziah ozias, a form of uzziah. Keil and delitzsch biblical commentary on the old testament the israelites then vowed to the lord, that if he would give this people into their hands, they would ban their cities. Numbers 21 niv arad destroyed when the canaanite bible. The book of the wars of the lord there are endless conjectures about this book, both among ancients and moderns. Balaks fear of israel, and the plot he had to get them cursed, numbers 22. The meaning of this type, or sign of salvation, is explained in the book of wisdom in. A glorious campaign this chapter gives us the history of, especially in the latter. Read numbers 21 commentary using matthew henry commentary on the whole. The book of leviticus as well as the book of numbers follow immediately after the book of exodus. The life of jesus starts out pretty well, with awesome birthday presents from some wise men who track him down by following a star. Chapter 21 matthew henrys commentary bible gateway. The book of numbers was written between 1440 and 1400 b.

A memorable and melancholy history is related in this and the following chapter, of the turning back of israel from the borders of canaan, and the sentencing them to wander and perish in the wilderness, for their. The message of the book of numbers, is universal and timeless. Download it now and enjoy this great mobile app to read the bible on your smartphone. Numbers chapter 14 verse by verse bible commentary. Numbers is also called the book of the march and the roll call numbers 33. David guzik commentary on matthew 21 is an account of the beginning stages of jesus last week, in which he is confronted again by the jewish leaders. Bible commentaries matthew henrys complete commentary on the bible numbers 22. Numbers chapter kjv king james version 1 and the lord spake unto moses, saying. Numbers 21 to 36 free bible commentary in easy english. This is a great way to read andrews notes on a mobile device or computer.

Balaams coming to him upon his second message, numbers 22. Jesus kindly and compassionately met the needs of the hurting multitude, as demonstrated in matthew 21. They speak discontentedly of what god had done for them, and distrustfully of what he would do. Matthew henrys concise commentary on the bible by matthew henry christian classics ethereal library. The second census, in chapter 26, names the generation that will be poised on the edge of canaan when the book reaches its end.

The embassy he sent to balaam, a conjurer, to fetch him for that purpose, and the disappointment he met with in the first embassy, numbers 22. And when they drew nigh unto jerusalem, and were come to bethphage, unto the mount of olives, then sent jesus two disciples, 2. Study the bible online using commentary on numbers and more. Study the bible online using commentary on numbers 20 and more. The armies of israel now begin to emerge out of the wilderness, and to come into a land inhabited, to enter upon action, and take possession of the frontiers of the land of promise. The disobedience of israel and their consequent partial hardening do not contradict pauls argument, but. The titles of the five books of moses, which we use in our bibles, are all borrowed from the greek translation of the seventy, the most ancient version of the old. But unlike the book of judges, ruth is not part of the second major division of the old. If you will deliver these people into our hands, we will totally destroy their cities. The book of ruth chronologically overlaps the book of judges. Matthew henry was a nonconformist minister and author born in gales, united kingdom.

The book of numbers begins with the words and the lord spake unto moses in the wilderness of sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of egypt. Yahweh will soon command joshua to commission joshua as his successor 27. This chapter gives us an account of that fatal quarrel between god and israel upon which, for their murmuring and unbelief, he swore in his wrath that they should not enter into his rest. The book of numbers is coming to terms with the fact that the old generation will not see gods promises come to fruition. Numbers 21 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. But the mere mention of a book by the bible doesnt mean that the book. View numbers in the note window welve men sent to search the land of canaan, their instructions.